Perusahaan asuransi di indonesia

sumber gambar:

Berdasarkan hasil riset Lembaga Marketing dan Sosial Research MarkPlus Insight terhadap beberapa perusahaan asuransi di indonesia, maka terpilihlah 9 nama perusahaan asuransi terbaik di indonesia yaitu :
  1. Prudential
  2. Manulife Indonesia
  3. AXA Mandiri Financial Service
  4. AIA Financial
  5. Garda Oto / Asuransi Astra Buana
  6. Autocilin / Adira Insurance
  7. Sinarmas / SIMAS
  8. Bumiputera
  9. Jiwasraya
Kesembilan perusahaan asuransi tersebut mendapatkan nominasi berdasarkan beberapa kategori, Yaitu :
Most Popular Brand of Health Insurance
  1. Prudential 
  2. Manulife Indonesia
  3. Axa Mandiri Financial Service
Best Costumer Choice of Health Insurance
  1. PrudentialAxa 
  2. Mandiri Mandiri Financial Service
  3. AIA Financial
Most Popular Brand of Unit Link Insurance
  1. Prudential
  2. Axa Mandiri Financial Service
  3. Manulife Indonesia
Best Costumer Choice of Unit Link Insurance
  1. Prudential
  2. Axa Mandiri Financial Service
  3. AIA Financial
Most Popular Brand of Car Insurance
  1. Garda Oto/Asuransi Astra Buana
  2. Autocilin/ Adira Insurance
  3. Sinarmas/Simas
Best Costumer Choice of Car Insurance
  1. Garda Oto 
  2. Sinarmas 
  3. Autocilin
Most Popular Brand of Life Insurance
  1. Prudential
  2. Bumiputera
  3. Jiwasraya
Best Constumer Choice of Life Insurance
  1. Prudential
  2. Axa Mandiri Financial Service
  3. Bumiputera
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